
Content Editor – CERRADA

Regional content editor job opening announcement

Are you passionate about contributing to change that matters and do you have experience and knowledge in delivering quality writing pieces that appeal to audiences, attract partners and boost brand awareness? If so, Solidaridad Central America, Mexico and The Caribbean offer you a challenging job.

We are looking for a Content Editor to support our regional content management in Central America, Mexico and The Caribbean. The position will work closely with our graphic designer and the Regional Communications Manager to enhance the value of written materials and websites.

The position will be located in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras or Nicaragua.

Content Editor job description

The Content Editor will be responsible for all aspects of content, which includes development, production and presentation. The selected person will use data and feedback from Programme Managers to help develop, edit and enhance the value of a set of written materials and websites.

The Content Editor will work under the direct supervision of the Regional Communications Manager to execute the content strategy and very closely with our graphic designer to create cohesive, branded messaging. The selected person will also produce material for publication via diverse channels, so he/she must possess excellent writing and editing skills, as well as understand the special considerations for writing for the web and the wide variety of devices that can access the internet, such as search engine optimization (SEO) best practices.

This position requires good communication and interpersonal skills to work effectively with all the team members at a regional level. He/she must also be highly organized and detail-oriented and may supervise the writing process for contributors who provide inputs, as well.

Interested in applying to the Content Editor position?

Review the attached document to learn how to apply with the required documents before March 9, 2022.

Regional content editor job description. Click to download.
Regional content editor job description. Click to download.

About Solidaridad

Solidaridad is an international civil society organization, present in 44 countries, that focuses on sustainable supply chains and poverty alleviation through inclusive economies. We focus on the development of value chains of global importance where changes have significant impact: coffee, tea, cocoa, fruits & vegetables, textiles, cotton, soy, palm oil, sugarcane, gold and livestock. We leverage our supply chain expertise and multi-stakeholder approach to develop and implement interventions for integrated landscape management.

Solidaridad Central America, Mexico and Caribbean has offices in Guatemala City (GT), San Cristóbal de las Casas and Tampico (MX), Tegucigalpa (HN), and El Rama (NI). We also work in El Salvador, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

For more information on our vision, mission and programs please see www.solidaridadnetwork.org.